Keywords: Generative art, interactivity, participatory role, Perlin Noise
This work was developed using Perlin noise code, which is a visual effect for realism in computer graphics. The function has a pseudo-random appearance.
The interest in the pseudo-random appearance that is generated in this code and placed into different media, such as a series of drawings made possible by an axis draw model robot, was at the beginning of this effort. This work can be expanded into a more interactive reaction with the same code Perlin noise but on a larger scale. What's behind the image is converted into splits that refer to the Rorschach inkblot test, which has been understood as stimulating self-reflection and starting a discourse about the person's interior reality.
The Danza and Movement/Movement Noise
Making use of the works of the horse's motions in 1878, Eadweard Muybridge captured the stage of a horse galloping. By capturing motion, the first silent films astounded a crowd of reporters. We capture the Perlin noise in still forms to guess but never seen in another form of media, drawing, here.
Book: Dance and Movement
In generative art, the material changes were done by converting the code to 3D and simulating a terrain of movement that looks like waves of code. Then take a step further to show an experiment of visualisation by projecting it on a hologram fan.
Future Development
To create more interactive work, we are experimenting with the same "pseudo-random" algorithm.